Super eggy tofu scramble
Super eggy tofu scramble

super eggy tofu scramble

All of which supply a considerable amount of antioxidants and vitamins in this meal. Also, you have the added benefits of courgette, tomatoes, avocado and spring onion. Nutritional Yeast alone provides an exceptional amount of nutrients and vitamins. Both tofu and nutritional yeast are complete proteins, which means they contain all 9 essential amino acids your body needs.

super eggy tofu scramble

You’ll be pleased to know that all the above nutrients are met with this meal by one ingredient or another. Often, this is easier than we first think. With that decision, we must invest time into ensuring we eat the right plant-based foods to reap the same nutrients. However, there are many disadvantages to eating eggs which is why people decide to go vegan. These include iron, vitamins (A,D,E,B12), Folate, Protein, Selenium, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, and Choline. Standard eggs are providers of several different nutrients. One of my favourite vegan sausage brands has to be Linda McCartney – they’re a fab option for pleasing meat-eaters and vegans! Does This Tofu Scramble Provide Me with the Same Nutrition as its Non-Vegan Counterpart?

super eggy tofu scramble

However, they’re particularly useful for those who are new to Life Without Meat and vegan eating. Therefore, I’m not a massive advocate for cooking with them ALL the time – home-cooking is always the best option. You can make this tofu scramble on its own for a light and satisfying Sunday brunch, but you could also side it with some meat-free alternatives.Įven though meat-free choices can be healthier than standard meat by boasting equal amounts of protein and less saturated fats, they are still considered processed foods. Plus, it’s incredibly nutritious – but more on that in a minute.Īnother advantage of this meal is that it’s super quick and easy to make as it’s ready in 15 minutes, and requires minimal ingredients. It really helps satisfy those eggy cravings in the early days of going vegan, and it’s a brilliant breakfast option going forward. One of the hardest (and most missed) foods to cut out when you go vegan is eggs! However, one of the easiest ways to replicate an eggy brunch is with this eggcellent tofu scramble recipe of mine.

Super eggy tofu scramble